Marketing on Amazon

Amazon is a giant in the world of self-publishing. Understanding how Amazon works and what authors can do to take advantage is critical, and we’ve got the info.

How to Measure KENP Read from Amazon Ads

Authors with books enrolled in Kindle Unlimited were long frustrated by Amazon Ads inability to report on the number of Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read generated by ads. Thankfully, in ...

Series Promo Results: What To Expect

A few months ago we detailed successful strategies for promoting your series, and we highlighted the new and improved Freebooksy Series Promotion. In this article we share the results of all the Se...

How to Create an Amazon Book Series Page

One of the major advantages of writing into a series is that your books are automatically grouped and linked on Amazon, making it easier for readers to find the next book in the series. If you writ...