What Are “Also Boughts”? Can They Help You Sell More Books?
Everything authors need to know about Amazon’s “also boughts” and how to take advantage of them.
Marketing might not sound like the most exciting part of being an author, but we think it can be a lot of fun. Mark our words, we’re book marketing nerds, and soon you’ll be one too.
Everything authors need to know about Amazon’s “also boughts” and how to take advantage of them.
How to get book reviews on Amazon by running promotions with Written Word Media.
There is a wealth of online programs for authors. Here are some of our favorite marketing tools.
What price should your book be during promotion in order to maximize downloads? Read our guide.
What makes a 100k author: 8 findings from surveying authors about their strategies and tactics.
Check out this quick recap of Kindle Unlimited royalties trends and how this is affecting authors’ earnings.
How has Amazon’s Affiliate program changed, and what do the changes mean for indie authors?
Read our interview with Adam Houge for his marketing advice and how he makes 6 figures as an author.
Email marketing is our bread and butter. Read our advice on building and capitalizing on an email list.
How to use price and promotion efforts to maximize your sales and earnings over a specific period.