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How to Promote Your Book with Bargain Booksy

Congrats! You have published your book on Amazon. The next step is getting it into the hands of readers. One way to do that is to offer your title for a low price and promote it to Bargain Booksy’s readers.

How to set up a Bargain Booksy Promotion

Bargain Booksy has over 230k readers across a  variety of genres. When you purchase a “Bargain Booksy Feature”, you are paying to have us send your book to our readers in one of our book recommendation emails.

1. Go to

2. Pick your feature’s genre from the grid. Your book will only be sent to the readers who have told us that they enjoy your book’s genre. You can see the number of readers who have signed up to receive each genre in the “list size” column.

3. On the next page, select a date from those available.

4. On the next page, fill out the form with your book’s information and hit submit.
Please Note: You will not see this information again, so you want to make sure your information is correct before hitting submit. 

5. Pay to officially reserve your book’s promotion.

Please note: We cannot accept credit card payments from non-US accounts at this time. If you are paying from outside of the US, please pay via Paypal.

6. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your payment clears, which is typically within 24 hours. If you believe that you have purchased a feature, and do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please email us at info (at)

How to make sure your book is the right price on the day of your promotion

Below, we will show you the couple of ways to change your book’s price through Amazon’s KDP dashboard. More details on how to change your price on other retailers can be found here. We do not change the price of your title. You must do this yourself.

Changing Your Book’s Price

1. Log in to your Amazon publisher dashboard at

2. Click on the price of the book you want to promote.

3. Change the royalty rate as necessary. If you are discounting your title below $2.99, you will need to have the 35% royalty rate selected.

4. Type in your new price.

5. Scroll to the bottom and hit save.

Setting up a Kindle Countdown Deal

1. Log in to your Amazon publisher dashboard at

2. Hit the “Promote and Advertise” button next to the title you want to promote.

3. Under “Run a Price Promotion” select “Kindle Countdown Deal” and click the “Create a new Kindle Countdown Deal” Button.

4. Enter the dates on which you would like your countdown to run and select how many price increments (1 or 2) and what price you’d like your book to start at ($0.99 or $2.99). Click “Continue”.

5. Double check that your scheduled promotion looks good. Click “Add promotion”

You did it! Your book will now be discounted on the days you selected!

If you have any further questions, please contact us at Info (at)

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