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Unlocking Insights from the 2024 Reader Survey: What Authors Need to Know About their Audience

As an author, understanding your readers’ habits and preferences can make all the difference when it comes to selling more books. Thanks to recent survey responses from over 2,700 avid readers across Written Word Media’s brands, we’ve uncovered actionable trends that can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy. Here’s a breakdown of what readers are telling us about their reading habits in 2024 and beyond—and how you can use these insights to level up your book sales.

1. Readers Appreciate Consistency

📅 Consistent publishing schedules matter: Readers tend to follow authors who release books regularly, often anticipating new releases in advance. The data suggests that readers are 61% more likely to stick with an author who publishes frequently, particularly in series-heavy genres.

Author tip: Try to develop a consistent publishing schedule—whether it’s a new book every six months or even short stories in between bigger releases. This keeps your readers engaged and eager for your next book.

🔑 Pro tip: Consider using pre-order campaigns to build excitement for your next release, and promote it heavily to your existing readers.


2. Genre Loyalty is Strong…For Certain Genres

📚Readers are incredibly loyal to genres like mystery and science fiction, with mystery being the top pick—over 882 readers named it as their favorite. Science fiction came in second with 376 readers. Other genres like fantasy and thriller & suspense have dedicated followings, but are more niche by comparison.

Author tip: If you’re writing in a popular genre, you’re in good company. But competition is fierce! Highlight unique aspects of your book that make it stand out, like an unexpected plot twist or a standout character.

🔑 Pro tip: Within each genre, subgenre preferences can vary. For example, among romance readers, there’s a split between those who prefer steamy romance and those who enjoy steamy paranormal romance—so make sure to clearly communicate which category your book falls into.


3. Don’t Sleep on Emerging Genres

Even though there are readers who typically stick to the genres they love, more than half of our respondents jump around to different genres and shared with us how their tastes are constantly evolving. Staying ahead of these trends can give you an edge in today’s crowded marketplace. Based on recent feedback, here are three genres gaining traction that you should keep on your radar:

 Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)

🌍 The planet is a central character: Readers are increasingly looking for stories that tackle environmental themes and the impact of climate change. Climate Fiction, or “Cli-Fi,” is growing in popularity, particularly in the science fiction and speculative fiction genres. This genre allows authors to explore dystopian futures, survival against the odds, or the moral and ethical dilemmas posed by environmental disaster.

Author tip: If your book touches on ecological or environmental themes, don’t hesitate to highlight these elements in your book blurb or marketing copy. Not only are these issues timely, but readers are hungry for stories that reflect their concerns about the future of the planet.

Dark Romance

💘 Romance with a bite: Romance continues to dominate the market, but there’s a noticeable shift toward dark romance—a subgenre that delves into themes of power, obsession, and morally complex relationships. Readers are drawn to the intensity and emotional stakes of these darker love stories, where happy endings might come with a twist or at a great cost.

Author tip: If your love stories are a little edgier, explore the world of dark romance. Readers are looking for complex characters and plots that challenge traditional notions of romance. Be sure to tag and market your book appropriately to attract this growing audience.

Cozy Mysteries with a Twist

🕵️ Comfort meets creativity: Cozy mysteries are a perennial favorite, but readers are starting to crave a twist on the traditional formula. They still want the familiar low-stakes, high-intrigue elements, but are increasingly looking for unique settings and unconventional sleuths. Think cozy mysteries set in outer space, featuring paranormal investigators, or with protagonists from underrepresented backgrounds.

Author tip: If you’re writing cozy mysteries, consider adding a twist that makes your story stand out. An unusual location, a quirky protagonist, or a new angle on the mystery can draw in readers who love the genre but are eager for something fresh and different.


4. Readers Devour Books in Bulk

📖 Readers are voracious: On average, readers reported reading between 11 to 12 books a month! This is up from 9 to 10 books in 2023. This is a strong indication that your target audience is always looking for their next great read.

Author tip: Since readers consume so many books, maintaining a steady stream of content—whether through series, anthologies, or standalone titles—can help you keep up with demand.

🔑 Pro tip: Consider offering special bundles or collections, especially for readers who prefer series. This caters to their high consumption rate and increases the chances of them sticking with your work.


5. Price is Still a Differentiating Lever

💰 Price matters: Subscribers to our newsletters don’t just want a great read—they want a great deal. On average, readers spend about $26 a month on books and audiobooks. Given this budget, promotions through services like Bargain Booksy are a great way to catch their eye.

Author tip: Don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed discount. Running periodic promotions—especially at lower price points—can be a powerful strategy to boost visibility and sales.

🔑 Pro tip: Consider offering a book for free or heavily discounted as a way to draw in new readers. Once readers are hooked, they’ll be more willing to purchase future books at full price.


6. Series Win Big

📖 Series readers are dedicated: Given that readers consume books in such high volume—spending an average of 10-20 hours reading per week—it’s no surprise that many gravitate towards series. Popular genres like mystery (with 882 readers selecting it as their favorite) and science fiction (376 readers) often feature ongoing stories that span multiple books, keeping readers invested in both the characters and the world.

Author tip: If you’re considering your next project, writing a series can significantly increase reader loyalty—and sales. Hook them with book one, then lead them seamlessly into the next installment.

🔑 Pro tip: Use a clear call-to-action at the end of each book to direct readers to the next title. A series funnel can keep readers engaged over multiple books, turning casual readers into lifelong fans.


7. The Power of Reviews

Reviews Matter, But Few Leave Them: 🌟 While 64% of respondents said reviews are important for their book selection process, only 14% of readers leave reviews “very often”. Many are willing to review if prompted, but they need a little nudge.

Author tip: Encourage readers to leave reviews by including a polite ask at the end of your book, offering bonus content in exchange for honest feedback, or simply reaching out via newsletters.

🔑 Pro tip: To get those crucial first few reviews, work with book bloggers or offer advanced review copies (ARCs) to a select group of readers in exchange for their reviews. You can also receive editorial reviews from services like NewInBooks. A little social proof goes a long way in convincing new readers to give your book a try.


8. Cover & Blurb: The Make or Break

🎨 First impressions count: 40% of readers cited that a book’s cover and blurb are the most important factors in deciding whether or not to give it a try. A poorly designed cover or an uninspiring description can be the kiss of death, even if your story is a masterpiece.

Author tip: Invest in a professionally designed cover that clearly conveys your book’s genre and tone. Likewise, your blurb should be concise, compelling, and give readers just enough information to hook their interest without overwhelming them with details.

🔑 Pro tip: If you need another set of eyes to review your blurb or tell you if your cover is likely to resonate with readers in your genre, the Written Word Media team is always happy to give you candid feedback. Simply reach out with your questions and we’ll get back to you! 


9. Email Promos are Still Worthwhile

📧 Readers love discovering new books through newsletters: Email services like Freebooksy and Bargain Booksy were highly recommended by readers, with Freebooksy receiving an 8.87/10 in terms of reader recommendation. Bargain Booksy followed closely with a rating of 8.50/10.

Author tip: If you’re not using email marketing to reach readers, now is the time to start. Engaging readers directly in their inbox ensures you’ll be top of mind when they’re ready for their next read.

🔑 Pro tip: When running email promotions, aim to stack your promos across multiple services (e.g., Freebooksy and Bargain Booksy) to maximize your visibility and drive sustained downloads.


By aligning your book marketing strategies with these reader insights, you can better understand what motivates your audience—and sell more books as a result. Whether it’s pricing, genre positioning, or leveraging email promotions, use these data-driven strategies to engage readers and build your author career.

Happy writing! ✍️

Published by
Michael Hourigan