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What to Do if Your Amazon KDP Account is Terminated: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reinstatement

Receiving a termination notice from Amazon KDP can feel like a punch to the gut. But before you panic, take a deep breath. Many authors have successfully navigated this challenge and had their accounts reinstated. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you get your account back up and running.

Here’s an Overview of what we’ll cover:

Step 1: Review the Termination Email

Step 2: Gather Your Documentation

Step 3: Craft a Concise Appeal Email

Step 4: Submit Your Appeal

Step 5: Enlist Support from Your Community

Step 6: Stay Persistent but Patient

Step 7: Explore Legal Options (If Necessary)

Additional Tips for Avoiding Future Terminations


Step 1: Review the Termination Email

Understand the Reasons Provided

  • Read Carefully: The termination email from Amazon will typically outline the reason(s) for the termination. While the language might be broad, it’s essential to understand what Amazon believes you’re in violation of.
  • Note the Case Number: This is crucial for all future communications with Amazon regarding your account. Write it down and save it. 

Step 2: Gather Your Documentation

Collect Evidence of Compliance

  • Metadata Records: Ensure you have records of your book’s metadata, including titles, subtitles, keywords, and descriptions, to show they comply with Amazon’s guidelines.
  • Email Correspondence: Gather any relevant communications you’ve had with Amazon, especially warnings or previous interactions regarding account issues.
  • Proof of Ownership: If applicable, provide proof that you own the rights to the content in question.

Step 3: Craft a Concise Appeal Email

Write a Clear and Professional Appeal to Amazon

  • Subject Line: Use a clear subject line such as “KDP Account Termination Appeal – Case #123456789”.
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and your account.
  • Address the Issue: Clearly state that you believe the termination was in error and briefly explain why.
  • Provide Evidence: Attach relevant documentation and provide a summary in the body of the email.
  • Request Reinstatement: Politely request that Amazon review your case and reinstate your account.

Example Appeal Email:

Example Appeal Email:

Subject: KDP Account Termination Appeal – Case #123456789

Dear Amazon KDP Team,

My name is [Your Name], and I am the author of [Your Book Titles]. I recently received an email notifying me that my KDP account (associated with email [Your Email]) has been terminated due to alleged violations of Amazon’s metadata guidelines. I believe this termination was in error and would like to respectfully appeal this decision.

I have reviewed the guidelines and have ensured that all my book metadata is compliant. Attached to this email are the following documents for your review:

[Metadata records for all my books.]

[Previous email correspondence regarding metadata compliance.]

[Proof of ownership of the content.]

I kindly request that you review my case and consider reinstating my account.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Step 4: Submit Your Appeal

Send Your Email to the Right Contacts

  • Primary Contact: Send your appeal to the KDP support email provided in your termination notice.
  • Secondary Contact: Consider also sending a copy of your appeal to (the CEO’s office), which may expedite the review process. Surprisingly, this has actually worked for some authors and Amazon merchants in the past.

Step 5: Enlist Support from Your Community

Rally Support from Fellow Authors

  • Author Groups: Post in author forums and Facebook groups where other authors might have advice or similar experiences to share.
  • Enlist your Family and Friends: Ask friends and fellow authors to send polite emails of support to Amazon on your behalf. The screenshots below detail how your friends can appeal to Amazon on your behalf:

contacting amazon support

    • c) Click “Something Else”

Amazon CS

    • d) Click “I need more help”

contact amazon


    • e) In the chat box, type: “Talk to a Representative.” When the representative comes online, tell them “I can longer find books by [AUTHOR NAME]. Why are these books no longer available on Amazon?

amazon support chat

Step 6: Stay Persistent but Patient

Follow Up Regularly

  • Follow-Up Emails: If you do not receive a response within one week, send a follow-up email reiterating your appeal and requesting an update. You can mention that you are consulting with a lawyer in your follow-up email.
  • Stay Calm and Professional: Always maintain a calm and professional tone in all communications.

Step 7: Explore Legal Options (If Necessary)

Consider Legal Action as a Last Resort

  • Consult a Lawyer: If your appeals are unsuccessful and you believe your termination is unjust, consider consulting with a lawyer. Find a lawyer who is willing to draft an initial complaint for a fair fee (less than $500).
  • Formal Complaint: File a formal complaint with Amazon through legal channels if necessary. Anecdotally, many authors who send a letter from a lawyer have their account reinstated quickly after the letter has been received by Amazon.

Additional Tips for Avoiding Future Terminations

  • Regularly Review Guidelines: Stay up-to-date with Amazon’s metadata and content guidelines to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Monitor Your Email: Regularly check the email associated with your KDP account for any communications from Amazon, including the spam folder.
  • Seek Feedback: Join author communities and critique groups to get feedback on your metadata and book listings before publishing.


Facing an Amazon KDP account termination can be daunting, but with a systematic approach, you can often resolve the issue and get back to sharing your stories with the world. By following these steps, you can navigate the reinstatement process with confidence and composure. Thanks to The Sell More Books Show and author forums for some of these helpful tips.

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One comment on “What to Do if Your Amazon KDP Account is Terminated: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reinstatement
  1. This one is going to be a bookmark in my book file. It is an excellent resource, and I’ll be sharing this with my small writer’s group. Thank you.

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